How to Make your Financial Marketing Copy
More Compelling


You rely on your copy to communicate your financial brand, your product benefits, your edge. Yet industry regulations dictate due diligence, and so they limit copywriting innovation – or do they?

Just because the financial industry is highly regulated doesn’t mean financial marketing copy can’t be exciting. It can feel fresh, sound spicy, make music, pirouette, tell a story – and still pass compliance. It all depends on who is writing it, the emotion behind the writing and whether that can be sustained across all touch points of your brand. Here's how to make your financial copy more compelling.

Find the right financial copywriter for your brand

You want marketing copy that moves. You need precision, validity and consistency, and yet you also want creativity. You want the freelance copywriter you hire to step into your brand world and work with your financial marketing team, to write in your brand voice yet inject something fresh into your materials. And you want it done confidentially, fast and at a competitive copywriting rate. The right copywriter, apart from suiting your brand, will help you achieve the below.

Use language to its fullest potential

Language is the currency of persuasion. By finding and partnering with the financial copywriter that’s right for you, you can take advantage of what creative copy can do and harness the potential of evocative language for your brand.

Give your prospects a reason to read

Touch their hearts. You know how some headlines have that certain something that just draws you in? And how some news stories just grab your attention, though you didn’t think you were interested in the first place? The same can apply to your financial marketing copy. If it's sharp and mindful of its mission, it’ll wake up your prospects’ interest and curiosity.

Take your prospects from awareness to action

Action starts with awareness. And awareness, especially when it comes to financial products and services, depends on marketing complex concepts and benefits, with language that is simple but not simplistic, in a style that renders dry descriptions and mechanisms attractive.

IN BRIEF: By capitalizing on the potential of financial copy done right – that syncs with your brand and sales objectives – you can:

  1. Reach prospects where it counts
  2. Prove you understand their needs
  3. Show them why your products excel
  4. Compel them to contact you

Are your financial marketing websites or brochures failing to wake up clients? What would you like your marketing collateral's financial copy to achieve?